“Pass without Trace” 5E: cool 10 tricks TO BE A stealth and mobility STAR

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By Azico



Pass Without Trace is a powerful spell in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition that can improve a character’s stealth and mobility. When cast, it hides all traces of the group’s passage, including footprints and other physical signs. This makes it easier for them to move undetected in urban areas, wilderness or dungeons.

The spell creates an aura around the party that lasts for up to one hour and grants a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks made by anyone under its influence. The Pass Without Trace spell is available to Rangers as an ability at second level.

Other classes that can learn this spell include druids and bards. However, since it requires concentration to maintain, only those with a high Wisdom score or those skilled in concentration can attempt it successfully.

Why is ‘Pass without Trace’ So Important in D&D Gameplay?

For any character whose primary skill set or strategy is stealth, Pass Without Trace is an essential tool. The ability to move silently without leaving a trace can mean the difference between life and death in dangerous situations where detection could lead to combat or worse.

The spell’s importance goes beyond sneaking up on enemies – it also makes ambushing enemies easier than ever by providing cover and concealment until they’re within striking distance. It is also useful when you are trying to escape from dangerous situations, as the enemy will not be able to follow your tracks.

In addition, Pass Without Trace can be used when stealing valuable items or on stealth missions, as it provides immunity to detection spells like Detect Magic or Detect Evil that would otherwise give away your presence. Overall, Pass Without Trace offers significant benefits to any stealthy character looking for improved mobility while traversing hostile territory.

Description of the Spell’s Effects

  1. Pass without Trace is a 2nd-level spell from the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons. The spell creates an aura of shadows and silence that surrounds the caster and any allies within a 30-foot radius.
  2. The aura lasts for up to 1 hour, providing tremendous benefits to those who are trying to move stealthily. The effects of Pass without Trace are twofold.
  3. Firstly, it significantly enhances creatures’ ability to move silently, making it more challenging for foes to detect them via sound cues.
  4. Secondly, the spell makes it harder for enemies to spot targets visually by dimming light sources around affected creatures drastically.

The spell’s effects are incredibly useful in a wide range of situations that require stealth. Players can use this spell when trying to avoid battles altogether or set up ambushes on unsuspecting foes.

How to Cast the Spell and Its Duration

Pass without Trace requires both verbal and somatic components as its casting ritual, meaning that players must speak out loud and make specific gestures with their hands while casting the spell. Additionally, players must have access to specific components: mistletoe that has been consecrated worth at least 50 gp.

Once cast successfully, Pass Without Trace offers duration up to one hour. Note this duration remains even if a creature under its effect becomes visible momentarily due to another source such as Darkvision or invisibility.

Range and Components Needed for Casting

The range of Pass Without Trace is limited by its area-of-effect size which extends in every direction outwards from the caster’s position in a radius encompassing all allies within 30 feet while targeting only those expending one level-two slot per use.

Mistletoe is required as part of this spells verbal component; it must be present on your person for you ever able successfully perform pass without trace. The mistletoe needs to be consecrated and worth at least 50 gold pieces.

It is essential to note that the spell’s components are vital for its successful casting, and should a player not have access to them, the spell cannot be cast. Likewise, it is crucial to ensure that all creatures within range receive the spell’s effects by staying within its radius, as any creature beyond it will not benefit from its effects.

Best Uses of Pass without Trace

1. Sneaking Past Enemies Undetected

  • One of the most obvious and common uses for Pass without Trace is to sneak past enemies unnoticed. This can be particularly useful when trying to avoid combat or when attempting to infiltrate an enemy stronghold.
  • When using Pass without Trace for this purpose, it’s important to coordinate with your party members and move as one cohesive unit. One person breaking away from the group could alert nearby enemies, rendering the entire spell useless.
  • It’s also important to take advantage of natural cover and shadows when sneaking past enemies. Sticking to walls, crouching behind bushes, and avoiding areas with bright lighting can all help ensure that you remain undetected while under the effects of Pass without Trace.

2. Ambushing Enemies from a Hidden Location

  • Another effective use for Pass without Trace is ambushing enemies from a hidden location. By casting the spell before engaging in combat, your entire party can gain a significant advantage by surprising your foes. This is especially useful if you’re able to find high ground or other advantageous positions from which you can rain down ranged attacks on your unsuspecting opponents.
  • When using this tactic, it’s important to time your movements carefully in order to avoid detection. You’ll also want to make sure that everyone in your party stays quiet and avoids any actions that could draw attention.

3. Escaping from Danger Unnoticed

  • When things go wrong during a mission or quest, sometimes the best option is simply to escape undetected. This is where Pass without Trace can prove invaluable by allowing you and your party members to slip away unnoticed while under its effects. To use this spell effectively in an escape scenario, it’s important not only to move quietly but also quickly.
  • The longer you linger in an area where danger lurks, the greater the chance that you’ll be detected. Try to move as directly as possible toward your escape route, avoiding any unnecessary detours or backtracking.

3. Stealing Valuable Items Without Being Seen

  • Pass without Trace can be a highly effective tool for stealing valuable items without being seen. Whether you’re attempting to steal something from an enemy stronghold or simply trying to sneak past guards in a heavily fortified area, this spell can help ensure that you remain undetected long enough to achieve your objective. When using Pass without Trace for this purpose, it’s important to be patient and take your time.
  • Rushing in too quickly could easily lead to detection, ruining the entire operation. It’s also important to make sure that everyone in your party is on the same page and ready to act when the time is right.
  • Overall, Pass without Trace has a wide range of uses in 5E and can be an essential tool for any stealthy character. By understanding its best uses and how to use it effectively, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master thief or covert operative in no time.

4. Limiting the number of creatures affected by the spell.

One thing that is often overlooked when talking about Pass Without Trace is that there are limits to how many creatures can benefit from its effects at once. The spell targets a group of individuals within a certain radius, but can affect up to ten creatures at a time.
This means that larger parties will need to split into smaller groups if they want everyone to benefit from the increased stealth bonuses that the charm provides.

It’s also worth noting that even though certain magical items, such as boots of elvenkind, can provide similar benefits to individual characters outside of combat situations specifically involving stealth rolls, such as picking locks or avoiding traps, where multiple party members may be more beneficial in terms of success. prices overall.

5. The importance of a high Dexterity score when using this spell.

Although Pass Without Trace grants a +10 bonus to Stealth checks for those under its effect, it is important to note that the spell does not eliminate the need for skill rolls. Characters with higher Dexterity scores will have an easier time avoiding detection, even if they benefit from this spell.
Players with lower skill scores may struggle even with Pass without Trace active, especially when trying to sneak through difficult terrain or fighting particularly alert opponents. Also, certain races and classes are better suited to stealth activities than others; rogues and rangers tend to have higher dexterity scores and more built-in stealth abilities than other classes.

6. Additional considerations when using Pass Without Trace

  • There are a few additional considerations that players should keep in mind when using Pass without Trace in their games. For example, just because a character is harder to spot doesn’t mean it’s completely invisible; Enemies who succeed on Perception checks can still see or hear characters affected by this spell.
    It’s also worth noting that the spell only lasts for an hour after casting, so players should be careful not to waste its effects by waiting too long before taking action or getting into combat situations where stealth checks won’t be needed.
  • The importance of a high Dexterity score when using this spell.
    Although Pass Without Trace grants a +10 bonus to Stealth checks for those under its effect, it is important to note that the spell does not eliminate the need for skill rolls. Characters with higher Dexterity scores will have an easier time avoiding detection, even if they benefit from this spell.
  • Trace affects creatures with Pungent Smell or similar abilities. Such creatures have advantage on smell-based detection checks, but since Pass Without Trace masks sound in addition to scent, they won’t be able to detect players affected by the spell any more easily than others.

    This means that larger parties will need to split into smaller groups if they want everyone to benefit from the increased stealth bonuses that the charm provides.
  • It’s also worth noting that even though certain magical items, such as boots of elvenkind, can provide similar benefits to individual characters outside of combat situations specifically involving stealth rolls, such as picking locks or avoiding traps, where multiple party members may be more beneficial in terms of success. prices overall.

Techniques for Using Pass without Trace Effectively

Pass without Trace is a powerful spell that can help your party move undetected through treacherous territory, avoid enemies, or launch sneak attacks. However, to make the most out of the spell’s effects, you need to use it carefully and strategically. Here are some techniques that can help you use Pass without Trace in the most effective way possible.

1. Coordinating with Party Members to Move as a Group

  • One of the most important things when using Pass without Trace is coordination between party members. All party members must be within 30 feet of each other when casting the spell, which means that if one member moves away too far from others, they will lose its effects.
  • Therefore, it’s essential to plan ahead and ensure that all party members are on board when casting this spell. When moving through treacherous terrain or trying to avoid detection from enemies, it’s important for the whole team to stay together and move as one cohesive unit.
  • The person with the highest stealth skill should lead while everyone else follows closely behind and matches their movements. This way, everyone can benefit from Pass without Trace’s effects while also avoiding being spotted by any enemies.

2. Taking Advantage of Natural Cover and Shadows

  • Another technique for using Pass without Trace effectively is taking advantage of natural cover and shadows. When moving through an area where there are many trees or rocks nearby, try hugging them as close as possible so that you’re less visible to anyone who might be looking in your direction.
  • Similarly, if there are any shadows nearby where you can hide yourself or your party from view then take advantage of them! When under the effects of this spell, you’ll have an easier time staying hidden in dim light conditions since your enemies will have disadvantage on perception checks made against you.

3. Avoiding Noisy or Attention-Grabbing Actions While Under the Spell’s Effects

  • When using Pass without Trace, players must avoid any noisy or attention-grabbing actions that might draw unwanted attention to themselves. This includes things like shouting, singing, or making loud footsteps.
  • Even small sounds like clanging armor or jingling coins can give away your position and alert enemies to your presence. One way to avoid making noise is to move as slowly and carefully as possible.
  • Walking carefully on the balls of your feet instead of stomping around can help ensure that you don’t make too much noise while walking. Players should also consider taking off any noisy gear before moving through an area where stealth is important.

Timing Movements Carefully to Avoid Detection

Timing is everything when it comes to using Pass without Trace effectively. It’s important to time movements carefully so that you’re moving through an area during a time when it’s least likely for enemies to be around.

For example, if you’re trying to sneak past a guard post while under this spell’s effects, it might be best to wait until nighttime when guards are typically less attentive than they are during the day. Additionally, if you know there are going to be patrols in a particular area then try and time your movement so that you’re not in their line of sight when they pass by.


Pass Without Trace is a powerful tool for any stealth character in 5E. However, it’s important to note that the spell interacts differently with other spells and abilities in the game. for ways to remain undetected while navigating dangerous terrain or avoiding enemy detection altogether. By coordinating with party members, taking advantage of natural cover and shadows, avoiding noisy actions and timing movements carefully players can use this spell most effectively. These techniques may not guarantee success every time but they will help increase your chances of moving stealthily through areas undetected!

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